Health Champion Campaign

Know someone worthy of being considered a Health Champion?

DSU faculty, staff, students, and community members across the Delta who are leaders, promoters, and facilitators of physical activity or healthy lifestyles should be nominated as “health champions.”  To nominate a person to be considered for this honor, please fill out an online form, or download a printable form and submit accordingly.

For more information, contact Todd Davis at 662.846.4555 |

  • Nominating a Health Champion is as easy as 1, 2, and 3!

  • Describe a single achievement (personal achievement, heroic act, new invention, humanitarian achievement, etc.) performed by your nominee that you consider exceptional and worthy of recognition in the realm of health, physical activity, fitness, wellness, or nutrition.
  • 2. Details about your nominee:

    Please share any details you may know about your nominee. The only required item is their name, but every piece of information can help us honor each Champion.
  • 3. Now, about you:

    We like to recognize our nominators, you — the people who acknowledge what is special about your nominee. We also may need to contact you for further information. *Anonymous nominations are accepted.

Program Director:

Dr. Todd M. Davis,  CPRP
Dave Heflin Professorship
Director Recreation Administration & Outdoor Education
662.856.4570 |

Campus Office Hours:
T & W 10-12 & 2-4 | Th 10-12

Ed.D. Doctorate of Education  | Delta State University

M.S. Sport & Recreation Administration | University of Idaho

B.S.Ed. Physical Education / Health | University of Idaho

Spotlight Article HERE  |  Resume/CV HERE | Teaching Philosophy HERE

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